Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thoroughly impressed.

The last month has been a whirl -- we started looking at our first wedding venues, we started the annual fitness challenge offered by Nick's school, and work has hit an all-time level of busy. Since I last posted, I
  • Started P90X ("I hate it...but I love it," as the video guy says)
  • Resumed running (which I oddly missed)
  • Weathered Winter Storm Nemo
  • Hosted a Chinese New Year party with all the usual suspects
  • Discovered an excellent new restaurant/bar in the Harvard Square area
  • Seen our first possible wedding venues!
  • Had my first major wedding planning breakdown
  • Recovered from my first major wedding planning breakdown
Of course, though wedding planning and life have totally taken over my blogging time, you know nothing gets in the way of my eating.

I've never been much of a sandwich gal, but that will probably change for two reasons: 1) time-pressed weekends and 2) my amazing new panini press! Between caving and buying myself various kitchen appliances over the years, as well as being gifted some great ones as well, my imagined wedding registry of my childhood is being significantly pared down. The most recent item to land on my counter is this fabulous press: heavy-duty, high-temperature plates make hot, crispy, oozy strata of goodness.

For the skeptical among us, it is a fabulous machine that truly performs. I am officially converted. The hinge adjusts based on the height of whatever you're grilling, and the instructions say you can even open the hinge to make a flat grill for kebabs, etc. No oil or butter needed (as a butter-lover, believe me!), and it couldn't be simpler to use and clean.

When it comes to sandwiches, keep them hot and keep them simple, I say. Sourdough bread holds up nicely against the heat and pressure.

Aged sharp cheddar with thinly sliced Granny Smith apple:

Pastrami, Black Forest Ham, cheddar, and rosemary:

Totally groovy.

1 comment:

  1. I know you had been holding out for the panini press, glad that you have one now. The hot sandwich looked mighty enticing. Also heard about "making cake", so where is it?
