Thursday, September 22, 2016

Reaping the benefits.

I know I was just telling you about how well my herbs were doing...but time flies when you're having two weddings, an anniversary and a birthday!

It's hard to believe we've been in our house more than half a year - it seems like only yesterday we were crossing our fingers hoping our manual transmission would make it up the steep driveway after our first snow in the new house, and just this week I made my first braise of the season (Pats 2-0, Bev 1-0).

Growing up, fall was nothing special. Sure, you'd get Tanners' cider and maybe jump in a nice dry pile of leaves once in a while, but it meant back-to-school and was mostly just a passing period between summer and the holidays. As an adult, I love fall in New might be my favorite season: foliage is really top notch, farm share vegetables are changing, the smokiness of grills is heightened against crisp evening air. This fall especially, I look back on the spring and summer and am so happy with our harvest (literally and figuratively - yes, you can celebrate a humble harvest of herbs, especially if you bundle them up and dry them on your cookbook shelf display you're so pleased with). We worked really hard to build and feather our new nest, and now it's time to put up our slippered feet and enjoy cozy evenings by the fireplace.

I loved having fresh herbs all summer, and now we'll have dried herbs into winter - for tips, check out 101Cookbooks. I strung up some cooking twine and used paperclips to hang my bundles of rosemary and thyme.

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